CD 3. FOREX-Книги на английском языке.

  1. A.Elder.Trading for a Living.
  2. A.Farley.Swing trading.
  3. A.Farley.The Master Swing Trader.
  4. A.Frost and R.Prechter.Elliott Wave Principle.
  5. A.Kiev.Trading to Win.
  6. A.Kiev.Trading in the Zone.
  7. A.Simpson.Phantom of the Pits.
  8. A.Ullrich.Day Trading S & P 500 Index.
  9. A.Willis.The Insiders Guide to Trading the World Stock Markets.
  10. A.Wood.Conquer the Market.
  11. Articles from Active Trader Magazine.
  12. Articles from Eliott Wave Theorist Journal.
  13. Articles from Fibonacci Trader Journal.
  14. Articles from Stock and Commodities Journal.
  15. B.Gilmore.Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends.
  16. B.Helzberg Jr.What I learned before I sold to Warren Buffett.
  17. B.Rudd.Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing Trading.
  18. Balsara,J.Nauzer.Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders.
  19. Brealey and oth. Fundamentals Corporate Finance.
  20. C.J.Satchwell.Forecasting,Theory and Practice.
  21. C.Kase.Trading With the Odds.
  22. C.LeBau,D.Lucas.Daytrading systems and methods.
  23. C.Osler.Head and Shoulders - Not Just a Flaky Pattern.
  24. D.Dreman.The New Contrarian Investing Strategies.
  25. D.Ferrera.The Gann Pyramid. Square of 9 Essentials.
  26. D.Landry.On Swing Trading.
  27. Dan Valcu.Using The Heikin-Ashi Technique.
  28. Day Trader's Manual from Futures Magazine.
  29. Developing New Trading Systems.
  30. E.Lefevre.Reminiscences of a stock operator.
  31. E.Peters.Chaos and Order in The Capital Markets.
  32. E.Peters.Fractal Market Analysis.Applying Chaos Theory to Investing and Economics.
  33. E.Thorp.The mathematics of gambling.
  34. G.Lane.Self Managed Trading with Stochastics.
  35. G.Marisch.The W.D.Gann Method of Trading.
  36. G.Morris.Candlestick charting explained.
  37. G.Pruitt, J.Hill. Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation.
  38. G.Siligardos.Triangular Pattern Rank.
  39. Gann Course.
  40. Gann Theory.
  41. H.Roberts.Stock Market Patterns and Financial Analysis.
  42. How to read the new TradeStation 2000i performance report (from RINA).
  43. J.Arps.Swing Trader’s Toolkit.
  44. J.Bernstain.Introduction to Tecnical Analysis.
  45. J.Bernstein.The Compleat Day Trader Vol I.
  46. J.Bernstein.The Compleat Day Trader Vol II.
  47. J.Blom.Coulda Woulda Shoulda.
  48. J.Bollinger.Bollinger on Bollinger Bands.
  49. J.Clayburg.Four Steps to Trading Success.
  50. J.Cooper.Hit & Run 2.
  51. J.Ehlers.MESA and Trading Market Cycles.
  52. J.Hull.Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities.
  53. J.Hurst.The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing.
  54. J.Kaeppel.The Four Biggest Mistakes in Futures Trading.
  55. J.Katz.The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies.
  56. J.Murphy.Technical Analysis of the Finacial Markets.
  57. J.O’Loughlin.The Real Warren Buffet.
  58. J.Piper.The way to trade.
  59. J.Ross,M.Cherlin.Electronic Trading.Gorilla Trading Stuff.
  60. J.Ross.Trading by Minute.
  61. J.Ross.Trading by the Book.
  62. J.Ross.Trading Spreads and Seasonals.
  63. J.Ross.Trading the Ross Hook.
  64. J.Schwager.Guide to Winning with Automated Trading Systems.
  65. J.Schwager.New Market Wizards.
  66. J.Schwager.Market Wizards.
  67. J.Schwager.Stock Market Wizards.
  68. J.Starzec, M.Crisp.How to Become a Stressfree Trader.
  69. J.Steidlmayer.Steidlmayer on Markets.A New Approach to Trading.
  70. J.Sweeney.Campaign Trading.Tactics and Strategies to Exploit thr Markets.
  71. J.Yu.The Guide to Electronic Trading.
  72. K.Hagerty.Day Trading Course.
  73. K.Patel.How And When To Invest In The Stock Market.
  74. L.Borsellino.Trading S&P, NASDAQ 100 & E-mini Futures.
  75. L.Chan and oth.Momentum Strategies.
  76. L.Connors,L.Raschke.Street Smarts.
  77. L.Cunningham.How To Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like Warren Buffett.
  78. L.Pesavento.Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition.
  79. L.Pesavento.Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading.
  80. L.Raschke.Short Term Trading Strategies.
  81. L.Swing.Practical Guide to Swing Trading.
  82. L.von Mises.The Theory of Money and Credit.
  83. L.Williams.How to Trade Better.
  84. L.Williams.Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading.
  85. L.Williams.The Secret of Selecting Stocks.
  86. M.Armstrong.The Greatest Bull Market in History.
  87. M.Boucher,L.Connors.Market Timing Trading Course.
  88. M.Conway.Professional Stock Trading.
  89. M.Douglas.Disciplined Trader.
  90. M.Douglas.Trading in the Zone.
  91. M.Gladwell.Blowing UP.
  92. M.Gur.The Symmetry Wave Trading Method.
  93. M.Jurik.Computerized Trading.
  94. M.Raiman.Guide to Effective Daytrading.
  95. M.Rubinstein.Rubinstein on Derivatives.
  96. M.Ruggiero.Cybernetic Trading Strategies.
  97. M.Thomsett.Mastering Fundamental Analysis.
  98. M.Turner.Day Trading into the millenium.
  99. N.Gandevani. How To Become A Successful Trader.
  100. N.Taleb.Dynamic Hedging.
  101. N.Taleb.Fooled by Randomness.
  102. Neural Networks from NeuroDimension.
  103. Option Course.
  104. Options Institute.Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies.
  105. P.Bernstain.Against the gods.
  106. P.Kaufman.Smarter Trading.
  107. P.Kaufman.Trading Systems & Methods.
  108. P.Lasky.A better way to validate financial trading system.
  109. P.Levine.MIDAS Method of Technical Analysis.
  110. P.Mikula.The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews.
  111. Parallel functions for MTS.
  112. R.Arms.Trading With EquiVolume.
  113. R.Balan.Elliott Wave Principle Applied to The Foreign Exchange Markets.
  114. R.Deel.The Strategic Electronic Day Trader.
  115. R.Fisher.Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders.
  116. R.Jones.The trading game.
  117. R.Krausz.W.D.Gann Treasure Discovered.
  118. R.Miner.Dynamic Trading.
  119. R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets.
  120. R.Vince.Portfolio Management.
  121. R.Wyckoff.The day trader's bible.
  122. S.Achelis.Technical Analysis from A to Z.
  123. S.Carney.The Harmonic Trader.
  124. S.Lin.Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance.
  125. S.Neftci.Naive Trading Rules in Financial Markets and Wiener-Kolmogorov.
  126. S.Nison.Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques.
  127. S.Shreve.Stochastic Calculus and Finance.
  128. S.Weinstein.Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets.
  129. System Development Manual from Omega Research.
  130. T.Bulkowski.Broadening Patterns.
  131. T.Bulkowski.Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.
  132. T.Bulkowski.Gauging Gaps.
  133. T.Bulkowski.Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (I).
  134. T.Chande.Beyond technical analysis.
  135. T.Crabel.Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout.
  136. T.Joseph.Practical Applications of a Mehanical Trading System.
  137. T.Oz.The Stock Trader.
  138. The Global Investor Book of Investing Rules.Invaluable Advice from 150 Master Investors.
  139. The Original Turtle Trading Rules.
  140. Tutorials in Applied Technical Analysis (publications from
  141. V.Daragan.How to Win the Stock Market Game.
  142. V.Daragan.Short Term Trading Analysis.
  143. V.Niederhoffer.Market Making and Reversal on the Stock Exchange.
  144. V.Sperandeo.Methods-WallSt-Master.
  145. V.Sperandeo.Trader Vic II.
  146. V.Tharp.Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom.
  147. V.Tharp.Special Report on Money Management.
  148. W.Boroson.Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett.
  149. W.Bressert.The cycle trading pattern manual.
  150. W.Gallacher.The Options Edge.
  151. W.Gann. Method For Forecasting The Stock Market.
  152. W.Gann.45 Years In Wall Street.
  153. W.Gann.New Stock Trend Detector.
  154. W.Gann.The magic word.
  155. W.Gann.Wall Street Stock Selector.
  156. W.Goeltzman.An Introducton to Investment Theory.
  157. W.Mclaren.Gann Made Easy.
  158. W.O'Neill.How to make money in stocks.
  159. W.Wilder.The Delta Phenomenon.
  160. WallStreet Courier.Understanding Technical Stock Market Indicators.
  161. Wilmott, Howison, Dewynne.The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives.
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