CD 3. FOREX-Книги на английском языке.
- A.Elder.Trading for a Living.
- A.Farley.Swing trading.
- A.Farley.The Master Swing Trader.
- A.Frost and R.Prechter.Elliott Wave Principle.
- A.Kiev.Trading to Win.
- A.Kiev.Trading in the Zone.
- A.Simpson.Phantom of the Pits.
- A.Ullrich.Day Trading S & P 500 Index.
- A.Willis.The Insiders Guide to Trading the World Stock Markets.
- A.Wood.Conquer the Market.
- Articles from Active Trader Magazine.
- Articles from Eliott Wave Theorist Journal.
- Articles from Fibonacci Trader Journal.
- Articles from Stock and Commodities Journal.
- B.Gilmore.Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends.
- B.Helzberg Jr.What I learned before I sold to Warren Buffett.
- B.Rudd.Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing Trading.
- Balsara,J.Nauzer.Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders.
- Brealey and oth. Fundamentals Corporate Finance.
- C.J.Satchwell.Forecasting,Theory and Practice.
- C.Kase.Trading With the Odds.
- C.LeBau,D.Lucas.Daytrading systems and methods.
- C.Osler.Head and Shoulders - Not Just a Flaky Pattern.
- D.Dreman.The New Contrarian Investing Strategies.
- D.Ferrera.The Gann Pyramid. Square of 9 Essentials.
- D.Landry.On Swing Trading.
- Dan Valcu.Using The Heikin-Ashi Technique.
- Day Trader's Manual from Futures Magazine.
- Developing New Trading Systems.
- E.Lefevre.Reminiscences of a stock operator.
- E.Peters.Chaos and Order in The Capital Markets.
- E.Peters.Fractal Market Analysis.Applying Chaos Theory to Investing
and Economics.
- E.Thorp.The mathematics of gambling.
- G.Lane.Self Managed Trading with Stochastics.
- G.Marisch.The W.D.Gann Method of Trading.
- G.Morris.Candlestick charting explained.
- G.Pruitt, J.Hill. Building Winning Trading Systems with
- G.Siligardos.Triangular Pattern Rank.
- Gann Course.
- Gann Theory.
- H.Roberts.Stock Market Patterns and Financial Analysis.
- How to read the new TradeStation 2000i performance report (from
- J.Arps.Swing Trader’s Toolkit.
- J.Bernstain.Introduction to Tecnical Analysis.
- J.Bernstein.The Compleat Day Trader Vol I.
- J.Bernstein.The Compleat Day Trader Vol II.
- J.Blom.Coulda Woulda Shoulda.
- J.Bollinger.Bollinger on Bollinger Bands.
- J.Clayburg.Four Steps to Trading Success.
- J.Cooper.Hit & Run 2.
- J.Ehlers.MESA and Trading Market Cycles.
- J.Hull.Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities.
- J.Hurst.The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing.
- J.Kaeppel.The Four Biggest Mistakes in Futures Trading.
- J.Katz.The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies.
- J.Murphy.Technical Analysis of the Finacial Markets.
- J.O’Loughlin.The Real Warren Buffet.
- J.Piper.The way to trade.
- J.Ross,M.Cherlin.Electronic Trading.Gorilla Trading Stuff.
- J.Ross.Trading by Minute.
- J.Ross.Trading by the Book.
- J.Ross.Trading Spreads and Seasonals.
- J.Ross.Trading the Ross Hook.
- J.Schwager.Guide to Winning with Automated Trading Systems.
- J.Schwager.New Market Wizards.
- J.Schwager.Market Wizards.
- J.Schwager.Stock Market Wizards.
- J.Starzec, M.Crisp.How to Become a Stressfree Trader.
- J.Steidlmayer.Steidlmayer on Markets.A New Approach to Trading.
- J.Sweeney.Campaign Trading.Tactics and Strategies to Exploit thr
- J.Yu.The Guide to Electronic Trading.
- K.Hagerty.Day Trading Course.
- K.Patel.How And When To Invest In The Stock Market.
- L.Borsellino.Trading S&P, NASDAQ 100 & E-mini Futures.
- L.Chan and oth.Momentum Strategies.
- L.Connors,L.Raschke.Street Smarts.
- L.Cunningham.How To Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like
Warren Buffett.
- L.Pesavento.Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition.
- L.Pesavento.Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading.
- L.Raschke.Short Term Trading Strategies.
- L.Swing.Practical Guide to Swing Trading.
- L.von Mises.The Theory of Money and Credit.
- L.Williams.How to Trade Better.
- L.Williams.Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading.
- L.Williams.The Secret of Selecting Stocks.
- M.Armstrong.The Greatest Bull Market in History.
- M.Boucher,L.Connors.Market Timing Trading Course.
- M.Conway.Professional Stock Trading.
- M.Douglas.Disciplined Trader.
- M.Douglas.Trading in the Zone.
- M.Gladwell.Blowing UP.
- M.Gur.The Symmetry Wave Trading Method.
- M.Jurik.Computerized Trading.
- M.Raiman.Guide to Effective Daytrading.
- M.Rubinstein.Rubinstein on Derivatives.
- M.Ruggiero.Cybernetic Trading Strategies.
- M.Thomsett.Mastering Fundamental Analysis.
- M.Turner.Day Trading into the millenium.
- N.Gandevani. How To Become A Successful Trader.
- N.Taleb.Dynamic Hedging.
- N.Taleb.Fooled by Randomness.
- Neural Networks from NeuroDimension.
- Option Course.
- Options Institute.Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies.
- P.Bernstain.Against the gods.
- P.Kaufman.Smarter Trading.
- P.Kaufman.Trading Systems & Methods.
- P.Lasky.A better way to validate financial trading system.
- P.Levine.MIDAS Method of Technical Analysis.
- P.Mikula.The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews.
- Parallel functions for MTS.
- R.Arms.Trading With EquiVolume.
- R.Balan.Elliott Wave Principle Applied to The Foreign Exchange
- R.Deel.The Strategic Electronic Day Trader.
- R.Fisher.Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders.
- R.Jones.The trading game.
- R.Krausz.W.D.Gann Treasure Discovered.
- R.Miner.Dynamic Trading.
- R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets.
- R.Vince.Portfolio Management.
- R.Wyckoff.The day trader's bible.
- S.Achelis.Technical Analysis from A to Z.
- S.Carney.The Harmonic Trader.
- S.Lin.Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance.
- S.Neftci.Naive Trading Rules in Financial Markets and
- S.Nison.Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques.
- S.Shreve.Stochastic Calculus and Finance.
- S.Weinstein.Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets.
- System Development Manual from Omega Research.
- T.Bulkowski.Broadening Patterns.
- T.Bulkowski.Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.
- T.Bulkowski.Gauging Gaps.
- T.Bulkowski.Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (I).
- T.Chande.Beyond technical analysis.
- T.Crabel.Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening
Range Breakout.
- T.Joseph.Practical Applications of a Mehanical Trading System.
- T.Oz.The Stock Trader.
- The Global Investor Book of Investing Rules.Invaluable Advice from
150 Master Investors.
- The Original Turtle Trading Rules.
- Tutorials in Applied Technical Analysis (publications from
- V.Daragan.How to Win the Stock Market Game.
- V.Daragan.Short Term Trading Analysis.
- V.Niederhoffer.Market Making and Reversal on the Stock Exchange.
- V.Sperandeo.Methods-WallSt-Master.
- V.Sperandeo.Trader Vic II.
- V.Tharp.Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom.
- V.Tharp.Special Report on Money Management.
- W.Boroson.Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett.
- W.Bressert.The cycle trading pattern manual.
- W.Gallacher.The Options Edge.
- W.Gann. Method For Forecasting The Stock Market.
- W.Gann.45 Years In Wall Street.
- W.Gann.New Stock Trend Detector.
- W.Gann.The magic word.
- W.Gann.Wall Street Stock Selector.
- W.Goeltzman.An Introducton to Investment Theory.
- W.Mclaren.Gann Made Easy.
- W.O'Neill.How to make money in stocks.
- W.Wilder.The Delta Phenomenon.
- WallStreet Courier.Understanding Technical Stock Market Indicators.
- Wilmott, Howison, Dewynne.The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives.